备注:本片作者Aleksandr Bondi,

演员:OlegZhakov  DmitryDudnikov  KonstantinSorokin  
导演: 米哈伊尔·卡拉托佐夫  
更新时间:2022-12-17 19:02

冒险类型勇气本片作者Aleksandr Bondi,由米哈伊尔·卡拉托佐夫执导,OlegZhakov,DmitryDudnikov,KonstantinSorokin等共同演绎Courage于1939年在苏联发行片长66分钟,Мужество观影盘点期,看过留脚印~7。前有伊型歼击机,后有米格喷气机,空中回旋又俯冲,摄像机中战斗机。真美最后如果牺牲了并且交了党费那就是一部中国红了。。。。。。。?


  Air scorcher - the pilot of the civilian air fleet Alexey Tomilin - once more decides not to tempt fate and the only fly in a straight line Airport, where he works Tomilin, located near the border with Afghanistan One day the hero gets the job to fly to the border area and send the packet to the order of the capture of a major saboteur, who crossed the border Returning, Tomi
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