备注:本片作者Jann Halexander

演员:JannHalexander  IlmannBel  PascaleOurbih  AntoineParlebas  GuillaumeQuashie-Vauclin  
导演: RémiLange  
更新时间:2022-12-12 15:51

短片类型华丽梦魇本片作者Jann Halexander由RémiLange执导,JannHalexander,IlmannBel,PascaleOurbih,AntoineParlebas,GuillaumeQuashie-Vauclin等共同演绎于2022年在法国发行片长23分钟,被刪掉了大段H的鈣片,說鈣片都是抬舉它了。少拿GV装纯情。这种钙片类的小短片,我存了几百部,长片类的更多,都很精品,收藏+1,106你明明就是GV,还要装着自己有影情有思想,有意思吗?这…法国人在想些什么?怎么这么意识流,话都没有几句,大段大段的插图,你是想表达什么意思,正常逻辑思维的人怎么能够看得懂!还有,这个GV一样的封面让人不忍直视51?


  This film is the first chapter of a trilogy about Statross Reichmann, an incarnation of the western world and all of its contradictions Some stores in France and Belgium refused to sell the film due to the gay theme and three words printed large on the cover sex, race, and death  Statross is a mixed-race baron who lives in a mansion haunted by the ghost of his father, a Nazi
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